Frozen Beef Shank


Frozen Beef Shank

Frozen Beef Shank – Rich, Flavorful, and Hearty

Frozen beef shank (a bone-in cut from the cow’s leg) is extremely rich in texture and collagen and is therefore very valuable. To help keep slow cooked foods, like soups, stews, and braised foods as fresh as possible, freezing plays a big role. Bone marrow lends flavour and depth to broths, and long simmering only softens the meat.

Types of Frozen Beef Shank Cuts
Whole Frozen Beef Shank

Great for slow-braising to make flavourful broths or for boiling.

Frozen Beef Shank Steaks

This cut can be cut into separate steaks to be sold as such and cooked slowly or in a braise.

Frozen Beef Shank Cross-Cut

Make cuts across so that the marrow is exposed.

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