Beef Topside Without Fat


Beef Topside Without Fat

Beef Topside Without Fat – Lean, Tender, and Flavorful

Topside is a fat free, tender cut of meat from the inner hindquarter of the cow that Frozen Livestock Experts has for sale. Trimmed lean with little extra fat this cut is flavour packed loaded with juicy beef flavour without the ill effects of fatty cuts of beef. If you’re looking for a leaner cut of beef, but still want the flavor, this is the beef you’re looking for – perfect for roasting, slow cooking or quick applications like salads and stir-fries. Because of its tractability and little fat content, this sensitive, lean cut is much in demand.

Types of Beef Topside Without Fat Cuts
Whole Topside (Lean)

A totally trimmed topside cut that has all its fat cut out. Ideal for a hearty roast for parties or family gatherings, or for slow roasting.

Lean Topside Steaks

Each of these is an individual lean steak that is great for a quick pan sear or grill, with a leaner substitution for fattier steak cuts. Which means that it was quickly cooked over high heat so that the potatoes would stay soft.

Topside Stir-Fry Strips

Cut them into thin strips and they are perfect for adding to salads or stir-frying. These strips are lean; they are optimal for quick sautés, easy to get spooned marinades and sauces into.

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